Location of Clink Street
Other links to Clink Street
Local Pubs
Cooperage (distance = 364 m bearing 145°)
, FOB (distance = 461 m bearing 47°)
, Old Thamesside Inn (distance = 13 m bearing 31°)
, Southwark Tavern (distance = 188 m bearing 122°)
, The Anchor (distance = 86 m bearing 324°)
, The George Inn (distance = 317 m bearing 124°)
, The Globe (distance = 193 m bearing 135°)
, The Market Porter (distance = 185 m bearing 122°)
, The Old Kings Head (distance = 280 m bearing 126°)
, The Wheat Sheaf (distance = 203 m bearing 122°)
Museums/Galleries in the area
Old Operating Theatre (distance = 315 m bearing 135°)
Shops in the area
Neals Yard Dairy (distance = 158 m bearing 219°)
Nearby sights
Southwark Street 76-80 (distance = 418 m bearing 232°)
, Bankside 27 (distance = 293 m bearing 322°)
, Bankside 49 (distance = 458 m bearing 326°)
, Dark House Wharf (distance = 483 m bearing 50°)
, George Inn, The (distance = 320 m bearing 124°)
, Hays Wharf (distance = 343 m bearing 147°)
, Riverbank House - Swan Lane (distance = 435 m bearing 308°)
, St Olaf House (distance = 361 m bearing 147°)
, Thames Court - Upper Thames Street (distance = 403 m bearing 307°)
, Winchester House (distance = 413 m bearing 37°)
, Southwark Cathedral (distance = 166 m bearing 139°)
, St James Garlichythe (distance = 494 m bearing 304°)
, St Magnus the Martyr (distance = 474 m bearing 48°)
, St Martin Orgar (distance = 493 m bearing 38°)
, St Michael Partnoster Royal (distance = 469 m bearing 301°)
, The Globe Theatre (distance = 393 m bearing 325°)
, St. Mary Overy's Dock - The Golden Hinde (distance = 83 m bearing 57°)
, Shakespeare's Globe (distance = 289 m bearing 237°)
, Queen Hithe (distance = 470 m bearing 310°)
, Fishmongers Hall (distance = 362 m bearing 42°)
, Glaziers Hall (distance = 161 m bearing 147°)
, Guys Hospital (distance = 415 m bearing 128°)
, Hop Exchange (distance = 224 m bearing 211°)
, Vintners Hall (distance = 403 m bearing 306°)
, Borough Market (distance = 171 m bearing 124°)
, Shard - the view (distance = 445 m bearing 138°)
, Fruiterers Passage (distance = 356 m bearing 305°)
, Laurence Pountney Hill (distance = 483 m bearing 35°)
, London Bridge City (distance = 295 m bearing 147°)
, Peabody Estate (distance = 383 m bearing 233°)
, Alaxandra Railway Bridge (Cannon Street) (distance = 167 m bearing 301°)
, London Bridge (distance = 290 m bearing 52°)
, Southwark Bridge (distance = 284 m bearing 311°)
Nearby Neighbours (Plaques)
Whittington, Richard Lord Mayor (1350-1423) (distance = 461 m bearing 301°)
Notorious sights in the area
Chapman, George - Murderer (distance = 469 m bearing 211°)
, Ducking stool - Clink (distance = 48 m bearing 325°)
, London Bridge - Disaster (distance = 293 m bearing 53°)
, Prison - Clink (distance = 48 m bearing 325°)
, Unconsecrated Graveyard (distance = 267 m bearing 214°)
General Links Local Map
Map of what is in the area - using Google map